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2024-04-12 16:42:10来源: admin阅读量: 406





COLDSPA 助记符是一种有用的记忆辅助工具,有助于探索每种健康问题的症状。

Mnemonic    General Question
Character    Describe the sign or symptom (appearance, feeling, sound, smell, or taste)
Onset    When did it begin?
Location    Where is it? Does it radiate? Does it occur anywhere else?
Duration    How long does it last? Does it recur?
Severity    How bad is it? How much does it bother you?
Pattern    What makes it better or worse?
Associated factors    What other symptoms occur with it? How doe it affect you?









Physical Assessment Guide
This section is where we’ll start the head-to-toe assessment. We’ll start with the general survey and identify the patient’s chief complaint, then the assessment of each body system.

1. General Appearance/Survey
The general appearance or general survey is the first step in a head-to-toe assessment. The information gathered during the general survey provides clues about the overall health of the client. The general survey includes the overall impression of the client, mental status exam, and vital signs.

2. Chief Complaint
The chief complaint is the main reason why a client is seeking medical attention. It is the symptom or problem that is most concerning to the patient and is the focus of their visit. It is typically the first thing the healthcare provider asks about when seeing a patient, as it helps to provide context and background for the rest of the assessment and treatment.

3. Health History
The health history is an excellent way to begin the assessment process because it lays the groundwork for identifying nursing problems and provides a focus for the physical examination. The importance of health history lies in its ability to provide information that will assist the examiner in identifying areas of strength and limitation in the individual’s lifestyle and current health status.

4. Assessment of the Integument
The skin, hair, and nails are external structures that serve a variety of specialized functions. Diseases and disorders of the skin, hair, and nails can be local or they may be caused by an underlying systemic problem. To perform a complete and accurate assessment, the nurse needs to collect data about current symptoms, the client’s past and family history, and lifestyle and health practices.

5. Assessment of the Head and Neck
Head and neck assessment focuses on the cranium, face, thyroid gland, and lymph node structures contained within the head and neck.

6. Assessment of the Eye and Vision
To perform a thorough assessment of the eye, one needs a good understanding of the external structures of the eye, the internal structures of the eye, the visual fields and pathways, and the visual reflexes.

7. Assessment of the Ear
Beginning when the nurse first meets the client, the assessment of hearing provides important information about the client’s ability to interact with the environment.

8. Assessment of the Mouth, Throat, Nose, Sinus
Subjective data related to the mouth, throat, nose, and sinus can aid in detecting diseases and abnormalities that may affect the client’s activities of daily living.

9. Assessment of the Thoracic and Lung
Subjective data related to the thoracic and lung assessment provide many clues about underlying respiratory problems and associated nursing diagnoses, as well as clues about the risk for the development of lung disorders.

10. Assessment of the Breast and Lymphatic System

This chapter covers the examination of non-pregnant women’s breasts. Remember, if the client reports any symptoms, you need to explore further by performing a symptom analysis using the following guide.

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